sábado, 1 de junio de 2013



In most cases the word "democracy" is used as a synonym for freedom, equality, majority government, social justice, brotherhood, etc.. However, for some people it is a symbol of inefficiency, of anarchy and politicking.

The truth is that democracy is a political system that involves not only a form of government social and economic structure, but also values, attitudes and behaviors democratic. Moreover, the political system is used in as many countries in the world.

The basis of democracy is the recognition of the dignity of the human person. People are free and aware of their freedom, have the power to decide and choose.

Interview about the topic:

First person:

1) What is the democracy for you?

The democracy for me is a ideal that is transformed as a social system. The freedom, the participation, it has to do with the ideal of illustration. The democracy tell that every person's are equals and they and they are treated that way.

2) You believe that this is a democratic country?

No! This is not! because in Chile the democracy is reduced to the moment of vote, nothing more. And that's not democracy,  is a lot more,  also they, the state is who choose candidates for president. Please!! We don't have equality in education, neither in the economy.

Second person:

1) What is the democracy for you?

The democracy is a system for life that is really necessary for the society.

2) You believe that this is a democratic country?

No, what we live today in Chile is for me a pseudo democracy and, besides is not representative. This badly needs a constitutional assembly where the people really have participation, where the people give out their candidates and this are not imposed by political parties, for the state; which in the end are all the same shit.

The democracy in the sport:

The democracy in the sport I think that for a part exist democracy because we are free to choose what sport to play, what is our favorite sport and things like that, but I find it very unfair that sport is more subsidized is the football and not other as the basketball that is more fun.

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