As my school was closed I had that change of school; the new school was more far than my other school, for this reason I had go alone, and come back to my house alone.
A day when I come back in bus to my home, I had sleepy and I was sleeping, I don't take down in the bus stop that I have and I lost. I take another bus, it don't stop in my bus stop and again I go away. I called to my mom and she went for me. Almost I die.
sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013
sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013
Michael J Fox turns his battle against Parkinson's into a sitcom
It is one of the more courageous comebacks in the history of American showbusiness. For more than 20 years, Michael J Fox has been battling Parkinson's disease. Last week he brought that fight to national broadcast TV with a new sitcom, The Michael J. Fox Show, in which – perhaps unsurprisingly – he plays a Parkinson's-afflicted TV star (a newscaster) struggling to rebuild his career. While reviews have been mixed, there's no reservation about the Back to the Future actor's determination to continue acting.
Now 52, Fox has had Parkinson's since 1991. Thirteen years ago he left his starring role in Spin City because he felt the symptoms of his disease were starting to interfere with his performance. He turned his attention to raising money for Parkinson's research and raising a family, only taking limited parts in shows like Larry Davis's Curb Your Enthusiasm.
At the time of his diagnosis, doctors said he had no more than a decade left in his acting career. Now they say he's a medical anomaly – rather than becoming less responsive to drugs that can help regulate tremors and tics, he is still highly responsive. He recently told reporters he's grown to live with and adapt to the disease.
"There's nothing horrifying about it to me," he said. "I don't think it's gothic nastiness. There's nothing horrible on the surface about someone with a shaky hand. The way I look at it, sometimes it's frustrating, sometimes it's funny. I need to look at it that way."
While there's nothing mawkish about Fox's attitude to his condition – "I think it's really audacious to do a show about a guy living with a diagnosis of Parkinson's and not making a big deal of it," he says – there's some question over whether audiences too can adapt.
His disease is an integral part of the plot and key component of the comedy. When he struggles to serve scrambled eggs to his family, his wife impatiently grabs the spoon. "Can you not have a personal victory right now? We are starving!"
Climate change likely to turn UK's weather more extreme
Warmer, wetter winters and more extreme rainfall are what the UK can expect from climate change, meteorological experts warned on Friday.
Although the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) does not go into detail on individual countries, the regional and global trends identified in the assessment can be extrapolated to reflect some of the likely impacts on Britain.
Dr Peter Stott, of the Met Office, said more extreme rainfall was likely to be the most noticeable impact. "There is an increased risk of extremes. As the atmosphere warms, it can hold more moisture, so there is more to fall when there are conditions that produce rain."
Those extremes would be reflected in temperature rises too, he said: "The warmest days will become hotter than they would have been."
However, scientists cautioned that natural variability will continue to play a big role in determining the UK's weather, so there will continue to be exceptional cold snaps and cool summers. New research not yet included in the IPCC also suggests there may be a link between the melting of the Arctic and duller, wetter summers in the UK, said Stott, but this is still in its early stages.
And a further factor could complicate the picture in Britain. The IPCC report identified a potential weakening of a major system of ocean currents called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). That weakening could slightly dampen the effects of warming on Europe. But Matt Collins of Exeter University said it was unlikely to cause an absolute cooling: "It could offset some of the warming, but really the greenhouse gas signal wins over the AMOC.
It may be slightly less warm than it otherwise would have been."
sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013
Good morning to everyone here, I'm Thiare Darling and I'm fifteen years old. Today we gather here to give a pleased welcome, to guys that want progress in a new and beautiful world, as is the english and this program... here we do not are just a mechanized group, where we writing what the teacher put on the board, we are more than this, we are a family and I'm sure you will too. We have spent many times together, laughter and hardship... we saw go people beloved but they always will be in our hearts.
When I come to the welcome of mi first day here every person speak
in english and I didn't understand, just the words "welcome" "Good morning" and the "hello", nothing more.
Today We can say with certainty that we have grown, not only academically also as individuals.
sábado, 1 de junio de 2013
In most cases the word "democracy" is used as a synonym for freedom, equality, majority government, social justice, brotherhood, etc.. However, for some people it is a symbol of inefficiency, of anarchy and politicking.
The truth is that democracy is a political system that involves not only a form of government social and economic structure, but also values, attitudes and behaviors democratic. Moreover, the political system is used in as many countries in the world.
The basis of democracy is the recognition of the dignity of the human person. People are free and aware of their freedom, have the power to decide and choose.
Interview about the topic:
First person:
1) What is the democracy for you?
The democracy for me is a ideal that is transformed as a social system. The freedom, the participation, it has to do with the ideal of illustration. The democracy tell that every person's are equals and they and they are treated that way.
2) You believe that this is a democratic country?
No! This is not! because in Chile the democracy is reduced to the moment of vote, nothing more. And that's not democracy, is a lot more, also they, the state is who choose candidates for president. Please!! We don't have equality in education, neither in the economy.
Second person:
1) What is the democracy for you?
The democracy is a system for life that is really necessary for the society.
2) You believe that this is a democratic country?
No, what we live today in Chile is for me a pseudo democracy and, besides is not representative. This badly needs a constitutional assembly where the people really have participation, where the people give out their candidates and this are not imposed by political parties, for the state; which in the end are all the same shit.
The democracy in the sport:
The democracy in the sport I think that for a part exist democracy because we are free to choose what sport to play, what is our favorite sport and things like that, but I find it very unfair that sport is more subsidized is the football and not other as the basketball that is more fun.
sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013
sábado, 6 de abril de 2013
How the sport can change the life of people
In my opinion the sport can change the life of people in many aspects; for example make sports help very much for the health, It help to lose weight, burn calories, release toxins, to be happy and to be in good spirits.

Also it is help working in team, forget of problem, etc.
To me the sport is really like, my favorite sport is basketball, I practice them with my friends in the school. When I play I forget of the problems, I concentrate only on playing and I enjoy.
When I was small I liked soccer ...
viernes, 25 de enero de 2013
The best in departures:
- mim:
In the mim I had a great time. The best were the seismic room, I could feel how you feel an earthquake or an earthquake of greater magnitude because in the earthquake of 2012 I don't wake . It was also because they felt super realistic cymbal sounds and stuff like that, it was really great.
Another part was entertaining electromagnetism room, that give us electricity, get energy out from containing a giant ball of electricity through a copper coin and stuff.
long ago that it would not pass the mim and super well, I remembered many things and learned
viernes, 18 de enero de 2013
Hello We
are Thiare and Alondra and the aim of our campaign is mainly that you to know
the diferent beaches and beautiful that have brazil; also you know more about
Brazil and you can recognize that brazil is te best place for pass a time nice .
Brazil is a country that is always ready to welcome in the best way for tourists and visitors. It is an ideal destination for vacations due to its beautiful landscapes, pleasant climate and its inhabitants happy.
Brazil is located in South America and the official language is Portuguese.
Diversity is the key word in Brazilian culture, and when it comes to beaches, one thing is certain: the greater variety and quantity are spectacular beaches in Brazil.
In this happy country we find all kinds of beaches for all tastes: urban beaches surrounded by bars and hotels, sophisticated beaches, beaches very calm and very quiet, or nude beaches and beaches away natural noise of cities.
Also you can go visit the Cristo Redentor, located on top of Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, obviously.
We waiting for you!
Brazil is a country that is always ready to welcome in the best way for tourists and visitors. It is an ideal destination for vacations due to its beautiful landscapes, pleasant climate and its inhabitants happy.
Brazil is located in South America and the official language is Portuguese.
Diversity is the key word in Brazilian culture, and when it comes to beaches, one thing is certain: the greater variety and quantity are spectacular beaches in Brazil.
In this happy country we find all kinds of beaches for all tastes: urban beaches surrounded by bars and hotels, sophisticated beaches, beaches very calm and very quiet, or nude beaches and beaches away natural noise of cities.
Also you can go visit the Cristo Redentor, located on top of Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, obviously.
We waiting for you!
Live with Intention*-* Inspiration in poem :BB

Enjoy every
Learn from mistakes.
Smile because you feel it.
Cares what you have, leverages it
Do what you want, be free, be not afraid.
Walk without fear, you are strong.
Do not be swayed, search your interiority.
Learn from mistakes.
Smile because you feel it.
Cares what you have, leverages it
Do what you want, be free, be not afraid.
Walk without fear, you are strong.
Do not be swayed, search your interiority.
Everything has a
after the rain the sun will always come out.
As there crying also there laughter.
Do not waste time, do something.
Live life as if this was all.
after the rain the sun will always come out.
As there crying also there laughter.
Do not waste time, do something.
Live life as if this was all.
History of graffiti
There was a time a boy named Philip, was a child that at birth his parents
"sold", they stopped at the door of an abandoned house, that house was
supposedly haunted and that a person would go well in your work life and in all
aspects had to ofreserle to home a living from of her womb. The parents left him
at the door and suddenly appeared a giant branch and took the child, putting it
inside the house. Over the years the parents had a successful life, never lacked
anything, they were the first to believe that and give her a baby home. After
delivering the child they moved to other home to leave his dark past, but one
day, when they had spent almost 10 years of the delivery of the little they had
to travel to their former home for some papers and going through outside the
house "haunted" saw that there went out a beautiful child, very similar to them
and they looked quite happy.
jueves, 17 de enero de 2013
The good things about last year:
Things that I rescued of last year are very beautiful people I met, both at school, at university (Here) and elsewhere; I met many new people in general that are very nice. For example Kiara and Chumare that are very nice people.
Also the bonds of friendship with my friends Valentina and Scarlett are much larger now.
In the last year I lived unforgettable moments with wonderful people.
This year my mom got pregnant *-*
The bad things about last year:
Bad things of the previous year were the friendships that were lost, friendships around 3 years, that were lost by misunderstandings and lies.
The worst were the disappointments, lies, betrayals ... There were many people false. That year I suffered a lot and I cry a lot.
+ Is best expect nothing.
+ There is great who always wins, is great who never stops fighting.
+ We must aprobechar opportunities we are given, leaving aside the fear.
+ Reap what you sow.
I need to learn in the remainder:
I need to learn is to not be as impasiente and of course I have left to learn in school.
Although 2012 was not one of the best years it has moments, words and unforgettable feelings.
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